A high resolution digital thermostat with a full color touch screen display.
Simply the best wifi thermostat you can buy.
Just click the Green "locate a dealer" button on the top right.
A high resolution digital thermostat with a full color touch screen display.
Simply the best wifi thermostat you can buy.
Just click the Green "locate a dealer" button on the top right.
Compatible with Apple iPhone®, iPod Touch®, iPad®, Blackberry®, Android®, Mac and PC devices. Using the mobile app on virtually any mobile device, users can control their energy usage and reduce energy costs, from nearly any location, at any time - even from the couch at home.
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Beautifully designed and rich in features this High Resolution thermostat boasts a full color touch screen with 4.3" diagonally of viewing area and is compatible with virtually every type of heating and air conditioning system. Also, the ColorTouch can be configured to display one of three languages: English, French or Spanish.
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The ColorTouch thermostat has won top awards for ease of programmability, its color touch screen and the ability to post up to 100 photos or graphics on the screen. Its multi-functional, simple-to-use, richly featured, programmable touch screen thermostat has customizable backgrounds, which may include the users' own photos as well as more than a dozen pre-set themes, including holiday themes.
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Supply Air Alert feature, which sends an email alert to the designated user when the supply air temperature (the air coming from the HVAC equipment) is not adequate. The user or installer can set temperature thresholds for both heating and cooling. If the HVAC equipment fails to meet one of these thresholds, it is a strong indicator that service is needed.
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Real-time weather on the ColorTouch thermostat screen gives users an at-a-glance view of current indoor temperatures, outside temperatures as well as three-day weather predictions. With Venstar's latest T7900 and T8900 ColorTouch thermostats users can also see their current indoor humidity.
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